Basement Party
Having moved into the area recently, this was the first Christmas party that Savannah's mother had been invited to and Brooke had come along to keep Savannah company. The car journey was short, and Brooke and Savannah giggled and shared their social media stories.
They pulled into a large driveway that led to a grand old mansion house where music spilled from open windows.
'Wow,' Savannah stared at the place, 'looks like a hollywood film house.'
'Now listen, girls,' Savannah's Mom turned round in her seat, 'I'm here to make friends and build up my social life. So you two keep to yourselves and don't get into any trouble.'
'Sure thing, Mrs Reed,' Brooke said.
Brooke and Savannah were ushered through the front doors of the large family home where the Christmas gathering had started. They were greeted by the owners, who simultaneously sipped cocktails, waved to others in the room, and introduced Mrs Reed to nearby drinkers. The two girls stood to one side.
The house was in full throng, the chatter of people barely drowning out the 90's music and everyone looked over 40 and well into their third beverage.
'The other kids are downstairs, why don't you send them down there to be with the boys. I think they are just keeping out of trouble.' Savannah overheard a lady talking to her Mum, and then was ushered to the cellar door.
Kids? Brooke thought. We are both nineteen, and parents still call us kids.
The lady opened the door to the basement and shouted down 'Pip, love, look after these two girls will you. Their Mum is here for the afternoon and the girls are bored.'
In the gloom of the basement three boys stopped playing cards. Pip tutted, 'Sure Ma,' he shouted up the basement stairs, then turned to his friends and grumbled. 'Ma said we had to look after some kids of their friend.'
'Really? We babysitters now?' One of the boys, Jack, muttered, picking up cards at the table and sneakily looking at them.
Brooke and Savannah cautiously walked down the stairs into the lowlit basement room. Dressed in big winter coats they stood at the bottom, looking about them at the ratty sofa, the fantasy posters hanging on the wall, and the three dumb-struck boys sitting at a table.
All three lads gawped as the girls walked down the steps and into the basement. Real females, and gorgeous ones at that.
Pip jumped out of his seat and rushed over to the two girls, offering his hand. 'Hi, er, welcome to the basement. Ah, the pit of despair as we like to call it.'
The two girls glanced at each other. 'Smells kind of funky down here,' Brooke wrinkled her nose.
'Yeah. Sorry about that,' Pip shuffled forward. 'Here, let me take your coats.'
The two girls pulled off their coats, handing them to Pip, who hung them up on a novelty coat rack. He turned back and gasped as he saw the two girls. They were dressed for a festive party.
Brooke raised her hand to say high to the three boys. 'My name is Brooke.'
Brooke was brunette, dark eyes, five foot seven and dressed in a festive onesie, green with scarlet red tree designs and silver baubles dangling all over, with pop studs fastened over her generous chest and down to her narrow waist. Her dark hair ran over her shoulders, silky smooth that caught the light with a soft lustre.
'And I'm Savannah.' Savannah leant forward to wave at the other boys sitting around the table. She was short and petite, with blonde curls bouncing around her cute face, and wore an off-the-shoulder festive jumper that accentuated her large firm breasts, with a pleated miniskirt and furry snow boots.
Pip stumbled as he walked back to the table to join his friends. Safety in numbers. 'I'm Philip. Pip to my friends. Which ain't these two? Ah ha ha,' he said awkwardly.
'I'm Jack,' the shorter lad said, waving his hand, and then nodded to the third bloke. 'And this lummox is George.'
There was an awkward silence as the two girls looked about the place. Brooke pulled self-consciously at her onesie, 'We were expecting more of a party atmosphere. It is Christmas, after all,' she said.
'Has anyone got any booze?' Savannah asked.
'Now that, we can do!' Pip stood with a flourish. George wandered over to a huge wooden cabinet and brought out a crate of bottled beers and an assortment of spirits and mixers. He handed out drinks and the group relaxed on the scruffy leather sofa and various make-shift seats.
They chatted for an hour, sharing stories, drinking, and genuinely enjoying themselves. It was awkward at first, but the alcohol soon relaxed everyone.
Brooke worked at a bookshop but was building a profile on tiktok, dancing and doing dares. Savannah was going to college and studying business. Both girls were nineteen, had been friends since forever, and had moved to the area when their respective Mum's had divorced.
Pip was twenty, no job and no prospects. Jack was into IT and working for a local tech firm, but had only just started as he was eighteen. George was twenty one, a farmer's son and worked on the family farm. They met every Thursday night to play Dungeons and Dragons. And one of them was a virgin - but they weren't saying who.
'Only one of you?' Brooke laughed.
There was an awkward silence. 'Do you have any other games to play?' Brooke asked.
Pip smiled. 'We have quite a few non-geek games we could play.' And he proceeded to pull out various bar games and fun party games from a large bookcase. Pip lay out a selection of games and four were chosen - giant jenga, throw burrito, head basket, and beer pong.
'And to make it interesting,' Savannah clapped enthusiastically, 'we will play for points. Girls against boys. And the winners get to choose the prize.'
'But there are three of us,' Jack said. 'And only two of you.'
'Yes,' replied Brooke with a wry smile, 'You are outnumbered. But don't let that stop you putting up a good fight!'
Giant Jenga was a quick game as the two girls proved how dexterous they were, careful fingers sliding the blocks from snug homes and building the tower high. The girls won that game - one point to the girls.
Throw Burrito was next, where the girls had the upper hand due to a spot of cheating and they had the agility and moves. Two against three, running about the room throwing the toy burritos and scoring hits - two points to the girls.
Next up was Head Basket, a game where one person wears a basket on their head and the others have to throw plastic balls into the hoop. The team with the most balls win. And this was a fun one! The boys team were doing well, tossing the balls into the basket net on Savannah's head. There were groans as Brooke strapped the basket onto her head and darted about the room as they threw the plastic balls at the hoop.
'C'mon, Brooke. You gotta play fair.' Jack said.
Brooke cocked her head to one side, the basket swaying precariously. 'Ok, I'll make it easier for you lot, but only because my main girl, Savannah, will get an easier time of it too.'
Brooke knelt down on the basement floor and looked up so that her baskethead remained straight. She was aware of Savannah's giggling as she threw her balls at the hoop, but a strange quiet had come over the boys. They all stood staring at her, with a slack-jawed silence.
She glanced down to where the boys were staring and noticed that the buttons on her onesie had popped open, revealing the inside swell of her breasts and some of her taut stomach. She wasn't wearing a bra, and her breasts were mostly covered by the furry material of the onesie. Only the inner boob is showing, she thought, but those boys almost have their tongues hanging out.
Brooke had a wicked thought to give an edge to the game. She pretended to stumble forward slightly, her breasts straining against the pop studs and revealing even more of her curvaceous form. She felt their hot gaze on her body and grinned.
Savannah continued to lob the balls into the basket, while the lads, being distracted, lost the game. Brooke jumped up and the two girls whooped around the room, laughing and giggling..
'Okay, so you are beating us three games to nil.' Jack said. 'But the next game is going to be ours. Beer pong!'
Pip, Jack and George gave their own cheer, as George set up the plastic cups either side of the table. Shot glasses were placed on the edge and the small balls were gathered for each team.
Brooke turned to her friend, 'We are going to win this, but we may have to use some girly tactics.'
'I'm game, as always,' Savannah smiled. 'What did you have in mind?'
Brooke tugged at her friend's top, pulling it off one shoulder, allowing the pink brastrap to show. 'Remember what got us into trouble last year? Well, no one here has to know, do they?'
She looked down at her own outfit. The onesie fit snugly over her chest, then tapered nicely into her thin waist. She popped another button, showing off more of her cleavage, and tugged at the top to reveal more of her full breasts.
Brooke was feeling naughty, and she loved the power that she had over the three lads, knowing that they were watching her out of the corner of their eyes, scared to be caught, but couldn't stop themselves.
'Okay, let the game begin.' Brooke said, as she and Savannah clasped arms around each other's shoulders.
The game took a while, as the lads were experienced, carefully bouncing and scoring points. Savannah and Brooke were taking careful aim, but just not as adept as the boys at this game.
As Pip began his final throw, Brooke sauntered over to the other side of the table and casually leant over, peering into the cups, feeling the full weight of her breasts straining against her onesie. He must be able to see right down my top, Brooke thought, so let's see him keep his nerve now.
Sure enough, across the table Pip gulped, and took his shot but missed. He smiled nervously as Brooke chatted away, pretending to not notice the effect she was having on the boys. After his final shot bounced against the rim of a cup and missed, Brooke whooped, high fiving Savannah. Brooke presented a shot glass full of tequila to Pip, who dutifully downed it.
The final person to toss was Savannah, and she stood at the end of the table, adjusting her stance, and then threw the three balls in quick succession. Plink. Plink. Two balls in, and one bounced across the edge and fell to the floor. But two points were all they needed and the girls hollered again.
'Four games to nil.' Savannah blew a kiss to the boys. 'That's what you call game, set and match.'
Jack shook his head and the others slumped into the sofa. 'Don't suppose you want one last game? Heads or tails and winner takes it all.'
'Sure,' Savannah swaggered forward, full of confidence. She had not had this much fun in a while, and her naturally high spirits were flowing.
'One coin toss,' Jack said. 'Tails you win, heads we get what is coming to us.'
'Flip away,' Brooke said.
They all gathered round the table and Jack quickly flipped the coin up into the air. It landed on the table surface with a ting, spun on its edge, then circled to a stop. They all leant in. Heads.
'Sorry, girls,' Pip said. 'I guess we win.'
There was an embarrassed silence as the boys backed away with a guilty shuffle. Brooke sighed, and took another sip of beer.
Savannah pulled Brooke to one side. She had a sly grin and held on to Brooke's waist. 'How about it?' She whispered. 'Shall we give these boys a basement party to remember?'
Brooke gave her friend a puzzled look, until Savannah slowly poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue, causing the outside to bulge suggestively. Brooke's eyes went wide, then she too grinned.
'You know what? I've had fun, so let's put the frosting on this cake.' Brooke said, glancing over to the three lads.
The two girls clasped hands and turned to the three lads. 'OK boys,' Brooke caught their attention. 'Savannah and I understand that you won the Basement Party games, and so we have chosen your rewards.'
Brooke walked over and took Pip and Jack by the hand. 'Try to keep the questions to a minimum.'
Brooke guided Pip and Jack to a couple of chairs in the corner, while Savannah led George by the hand and sat him down in the chair opposite. The three lads sat nervously as the two girls stepped back and whispered to each other.
Brooke approached Pip, her cute onesie opened down to her navel, revealing a toned stomach and further up, the curve of her breasts and the tantalising flesh that hid beneath the clothing. She licked her lips and looked deeply into Pip's eyes, her dark silken hair falling forward as she placed her hands on his legs.
Pip braced himself, nervous but incredibly aroused. He was a little embarrassed as Brooke's hands were hot against his sweatpants, and he hoped that whatever she was going to do, she wouldn't notice his aching-hard erection which strained along his leg.
He hasn't a clue what is about to happen, Brook thought. She slowly pushed her hands up his thighs, her right thumb nudging against the bulge under his pants. She felt him jolt at that, and she kept eye contact, her dark eyes smouldering as she moved her hands up his legs, her right hand deliberately stroking his hard flexed length beneath his pants. She raised her eyebrows - Oh boy, but he is built...
Savannah moved alongside her friend and smiled sweetly at Pip. She kept her eyes on Pip as she slipped her hand through the gap in Brookes onesie and cupped her friend's breast. She gave a playful squeeze and her fingers danced over the stiffening nipple.
Pip watched in amazement as the blonde's slim hand disappeared into the onesie and played around underneath. His mouth was dry and body tense with excitement as the two girls played around in front of him.
Savannah leaned in and nuzzled Brookes ear, her hot tongue lapping around the inner shell and then biting gently at the lobe. Brooke purred at the sensation and strained forward, mewling at the pleasure with her eyes half closed.
As Brooke arched her back her right breast popped out from within the onesie. Savannah gave a mock gasp, holding a hand to her mouth, but with her other hand guided the ample bosom towards Pip's slack jaw. Pip remained still as Brooke's nipple tickled his lips and then her breast mashed into his open mouth and he gobbled away at the tender flesh.
'Oh, yessss.' Brooke hissed as her nipple was sucked into Pip's mouth.
Brooke slowly ran her hands up Pip's legs, paying attention to the hard ridge of flesh that felt like an iron rod beneath the pants, her fingers splayed out and nails digging into his thighs. Her breast felt comfortable in Pip's mouth and she moved slowly upwards, grinding herself against him, but hesitated when she sensed his legs tense and shake. Pip groaned, his voice muffled by the breast mashed against him.
Suddenly, Brooke felt a hot gush in the palm of her hand and looked down to see a growing wet patch around the bulge in his sweatpants. She smiled sweetly, and kissed Pip full on the lips as he was in mid-orgasm. Their tongues entwined as Pip bucked and jolted, his leg dampening with the premature ejaculation.
After a few moments, Brooke pulled back and rearranged herself. Pip looked deflated, but Brooke kissed him gently on the lips.
'That looked fun,' Savannah said as she grabbed Brooke's hand and they both turned to Jack.
Jack sat nervously in the chair, on the verge of fidgeting but not daring to move.
Savannah sat crossed-legged on the floor, facing Jack, her hot pink panties visible under her pleated mini-skirt. Brooke knelt beside her friend.
'Remove your jeans and undies.' Savannah commanded.
Jack immediately tore down his jeans and underpants, and sat in the chair with a prominent erection. He clasped his hands by his side and squirmed, suddenly aware of how he looked.
'L-listen, if this is some kind of prank and you are secretly filming me and going to embarrass me then I don't think it's funny.' Jack stammered. 'Ok, you are two gorgeous girls and this sort of thing doesn't happen to guys like me but... '
As he spoke, Savannah knelt up, gripped his cock firmly and sucked on the end of his member. Gluck, gluck, gluck, and then raised her head and the cockhead was released from her lips with a 'pop'. Brooke leant over and did the same, going down on Jack - gluck, gluck, gluck, then sat up, wiping drool from her lips.
'I'm sorry?' Savannah said sweetly, biting her bottom lip. 'You were saying?'
Jack gave out a whimper. 'It's really going to happen? I can't believe it is really going to - - '
'Shush.' Savannah pulled her loose top up over her head and threw it to one side. Her tiny waist accentuated her large breasts in her pink lacy bra. She held Jack's cock gently, then tenderly kissed the tip, her luscious lips pouting as they pressed against the velvety cockhead.
Her head slowly sank downward, enveloping the shaft, her tongue soaking the underside, and then she rose up, her lips clasping the skin, creating a vacuum within her cheeks, and she plunged down again, slobber erupting from the base. She continued the motion, her hand stroking along, her eyes closed with pleasure.
Jack groaned at the sensation, and flexed his hands, lifting them up but not knowing what to do with them. He didn't dare move in case the magical spell would be broken and the gorgeous blonde goddess would stop.
'An interesting problem,' Brooke said, taking one of Jack's hands in hers, tracing her thumb over his palm. 'What to do with your hands when you are getting pleasured by a woman's mouth.'
'You could place your hands here,' Brooke guided Jack's hand to the back of Savannah's head, his fingers gripping her blonde hair. Savannah squealed, and broke free of sucking, a long string of drool on her lips.
'What is your pleasure, sugah?' Savannah drawled in a mock accent.
Brooke tightened Jack's grip around the blonde's hair and thrust downward. With another squeal Savannah plunged back onto his dick, the shaft sliding between her lips and into her throat. She accepted it, pushing back against the hand that held her hair, and then was forced down again, to nuzzle her nose against his pubic hair. Again and again, she lifted her head up, slobbering over the shaft, to then pound back down.
Brooke prised Jack's hand away, and Savannah broke free, gasping for air, a joyous smile on her face, her chin messy with slobber and pre-cum.
'Some girls like that, some girls don't.' Brooke guided his hand to Savannah's face, to cup her chin and gaze at the winsome gorgeous woman, full lips and blue eyes that twinkled with the light.
Brooke led Jack's hand down, over the lips and chin, down the curve of her neck and to the swell of Savannah's full bosom, nestled in the frilly pink material. Jack's hand remained there, cupping and kneading her breasts through the bra, while Brooke quickly unclipped the strap and the material slipped away. Jack gasped as the breast fell into his hand, the tender flesh heavy in his grip.
'But I find it best to go for the boobs,' Brooke said. 'Get the full experience.'
Fwap fap fap
Savannah dipped her head once more, slurping on the proud cock before her, while Jack gripped her weighty tits, mauling at them with his fingers. She slid one hand up his stomach and to his chest, her nails raking over his skin and making him growl. Her other hand gripped his shaft while her mouth continued to run up and down the shaft.
Fap fap fap
Brooke gazed at her friend, marvelling at the deft skills she used, but was distracted by the faint sound close by. Fwap, fwap. Something was happening close to her ear.r"
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