Anna's Mystery Plan Pt. 07

Anna's Mystery Plan - Part 7 - Expert Warfare Advice

Chapter 19 - Regrouping

I was awakened by a cup of steaming coffee being waved under my nose. Two faces were peering down at me. They had clothes on and looked ready for action. I, on the other hand, was in a bareassed, dimwitted fog which did not motivate anything.

The events of the previous day began to flow through my brain. Sitting up, I accepted the coffee and groaned. I had an immediate sense that our world of high priorities had graduated to one of urgent preparations to defend against attack.

I leaned my head against Talia's, who was now sitting next to me. "I'm sorry for that ambush crack. It's got us in a whole new ballgame."

From my other side, Karen broadcast to both of us, "Yes, but it might just have prevented an undefended attack. You saw how unnerved Anna was, rushing here to restore order. Or at least her notion of order."

My head clearing, I realized that my love pats of yesterday were now out of order. Definitely out of order until our preparations were much further advanced.

Karen's voice sounded very tough. Not the least bit motherly. "Jeremy, it's time for some military style organization. You are what I think is called the on scene commander. Your lieutenants and foot soldiers are ready for orders."

I looked from one to the other. Not a trace of a smile. I thought quickly and sensed a need to deal with first things first. Look at the top priorities and get a live body assigned to chase each one. An organized Plan of the Day could come later.

I grabbed Talia, roughing up muscles and exchanging low aggression noises. "This one is in charge of getting the armory completed and stocked. Work with Jeff the Contractor and with Rupert, Anna's warfare expert. Figure out how we get things done without attracting attention."

She ducked into a roll and assumed a headstand across the room. "Yes, sir. Any other orders?"

"Yes, keep track of all my demerits so I can be punished appropriately if we survive the next few weeks."

Karen flattened me and broadcast, "I already know what you want from me. I am to do administrative chores and tend to loose ends so they don't get out of control."

"And worry about money. Don't want to run out."

She dodged across the room and took a headstand next to Talia. "Don't run out," she said.

I was already feeling better when three bodies barged into the bedroom. Looking at the headstandees, they asked, "What is that?"

"They have just been promoted and are celebrating."

Karen and Talia fell out of the headstands, rushing the other women. "He is giving out orders this morning. After surfacing that scary ambush business yesterday, he is busy doing something about it."

Carolyn, Sophie and I had school obligations right after breakfast. I hitched a ride with them so I could respond to their request for a talk.

"Jeremy, we have been asking ourselves about motivations on the other side for vengeance, or something like that. You remember, we already hashed that around once."

Sophie was driving and Carolyn was talking to the back seat very seriously. My animal brain said she sure looked good in a wrap dress and hair up.

"I am going to slap your face if you give me that look again!" Sophie groaned and said, "Jeremy, really?"

"Sorry. I apologize. You have to admit you are two of the prettiest women around."

"Yes, and we want to stay alive!"

Carolyn began again. "Let's not underestimate them. Assume both sides want to remain invisible to the ordinary human world, but also desire a conclusion to their present conflict that puts them in a superior position for an indefinite future time."

"Sounds good, but might be too rational. They have emotions and have lost three men."

"Yes, and that ties into your ambush idea. Fortifying our new location is a double-edged risk. Strengthens Anna's overall force deployment, but increases chances of detection."

"Yes, that is one reason Rupert is coming."

"Jeremy, indulge a paranoid moment, and ask yourself whether Rupert's arrival isn't part of an agenda we are not aware of?"

She stared over the seat at me as wheels turned. Not probable, not even likely, but possible. After all, this outpost in Silicon valley was in a unique location for any number of schemes.

"We could spend an awful lot of time spinning scenarios of doom. What do you suggest?"

They both laughed simultaneously as we approached campus parking. I frowned.

"Don't frown at us! You are the leader of the band!"

As we walked toward their office, I said, "Agility."

They looked at me and I gave them back my best stony face. "We talked about this earlier. Everyone in the group has to be ready jump at any moment. Just like we did in the desert."

They frowned. I smiled. Life was full of stray risks. I closed for two quick kisses. "I'll find my own way back to the house."

Chapter 20 - Access to the Armory

Chelsea discovered me in late afternoon in my room working on the project plan for Greenberg. Keeping up with him was getting to be as bad as keeping up with Anna.

"She sent a message saying Rupert would arrive within a day, but exactly when and how are not to be disclosed for security reasons."

"I feel like a field sergeant, not a field general. Come here and comfort me." Her eyes flashed and she obeyed, falling heavily on my chest.

"I'm not sure you are getting enough credit for all the good work you do here. Almost as bad as running that dingy motel, isn't it?" My lips closed with hers before she could answer. And then I spied Talia at the door, creeping in for a surprise attack. Behind her was Karen.

Suddenly, there was a wildly squirming pile. They needed some release and I let the blows fall. When the bodies relaxed with sighs, I said, "I have an idea to try out on you."

Arms were raised, but fell limply to caress me. "Go ahead, destroyer of our bodies!"

I almost giggled, but suppressed it. "Our underground construction so far does not provide an entrance for more than people carrying things up and down steps. With serious weaponage coming, that's not adequate. We need an opening big enough to drive at least a small truck through. And it needs to be camouflaged."

The beautiful black construction manager crawled to my chest for a kiss. "I suppose you want this planned out before Rupert arrives and says the same thing?"

I reached and brought all four heads into contact with mine. "Do you suppose he will be able to monitor all our direct conversations?"

Chelsea broadcast quietly, "Better to assume he does. If he has a different agenda than ours, as you suggest, that leaves us vulnerable."

I lay back. "See if we can talk without contact."

I could hear Karen clearly from two feet. "Anna is playing with fire. If we revolt, she loses one of her strongest teams."

Sophie and Carolyn arrived from school and joined the pile. "We heard the end of that. The woman we follow is very experienced at means of coercion. Look at how she has jollied us along so far!"

I grabbed our senior professor for a little torture. "Hmmm. Aren't you academics supposed to have our counter-tactics figured out?"

She rose and slipped out of her good dress before falling on me. "If a certain undergraduate male would stop attacking us every moment, we might."

Talia led the others out of the room. "Jeremy, we will fix dinner and work on this while you provide TLC for the Professor..."

I spread a blanket over us and inquired, "Is that true? You are feeling neglected?"

"No, of course not, you seducer of innocents." She was giggling and losing her underwear at the same time. I kissed and licked the breasts, which made her jump around such that my hands applied swats to bare bottoms.

"Jeremy," she whispered, "do me. I really need male attention just now."

There were no words until I was fully meshed with her.


"Damn, Jeremy, you are the only man that makes me into a slut until he is filling my special place."

I didn't wish any more talk, the motion of her hips and mine was sending us to a quick finish.

"Oh, oh, yesss."

I couldn't have held back, even if I wanted to, which I didn't.

After the instant climax, she wasn't done. I flipped us and she kept a firm squeeze from on top.

"You aren't done." She gazed down with the smile that orgasm produces.

"I shouldn't try to analyze myself, but I think the aura of danger around you brings out all my horniness. Get back to work, please."

I smiled, almost laughing. "More sex will make our problems go away?"

She pulled me over on top. "More cock, please."

She was giggling as she came. "Ohhh..."

She wanted company in the shower. "I can talk now, especially if you shampoo my hair."

She had the most feminine body of all the women, sleek but also voluptuous in the breasts and hips. I loved running my sudsy fingers everywhere.

She moaned and asked, "What about my hair?"

"My cock wants more."

She squeezed my limp but tender member. "You've fixed me for now. Get busy with the shampoo and we can talk about counter tactics. That is more important than..."

I leaned back against the tile, raising slippery hips to the right altitude.

"No, no! This is very bad..."

Her equally slippery sheath didn't think so. She mashed her pubic bone against me and let the newly stiff stalk take her weight. My tongue fought hers as we arched together, bouncing and laughing. I slid slowly to the tile floor, keeping us under the warm spray. She whispered in my ear over the hiss of the water, "Damn, you are a good lover. Why do I ever complain?"

She spread her thighs even more widely, allowing a suddenly anxious cock to bottom against her cervix. I licked and nipped and blasted in a groaning climax. Ahhh.

She sagged in my arms, making low noises in her throat. I reached to turn the water off.

"Forget the shampoo. Take me to bed where we can actually talk. After loving like that, I won't complain about sharing. Not ever."

She cuddled in my arms, warm and damp, and opened her mouth to talk. I closed it with my lips and then said, "You are having a nice little nap. I will come and get you for dinner."

In the kitchen, the black one had her fleece on and grabbed my hair. "You have everything decided?"

"You told me she needed TLC, so I administered some. She is napping."

A collective moan from four females went up. "Jeremy! You didn't have to knock her out!"

Smiling, I went around the room, applying kisses and pinches, saying I was so sorry to misunderstand their instructions. This triggered a cascade of oaths about their useless male helper.

I sat between Talia and Karen at dinner. "I suppose more TLC is required?"

Talia grumped, "Better you work on your door idea..." But her hand was between my legs under the table. I gave her a low growl and said, "The two of you should come to the back with me after dinner. I have an idea to try on you."

"Talia, he has done it again, telling us to figure something out and then doing it himself better than we could have."

I kissed the back of her hand. "When I have you alone, it will not be tender and loving, goddess mother."

She talked across the front of me to Talia, "When he gets like this, it means his instincts smell trouble. We had better pay attention."

They each got a tender kiss under the ear with a hiss in it.

* * *

The road past our new home, on the far property line, had a twelve foot berm on our side. The edge of the excavation our contractor had made for the underground vault was twenty or thirty feet away. I stood in the road with Talia and Karen.

"We will apply for an access road permit that goes to a new garage behind the house. In the process of building along the berm, brickwork will be constructed to hold back the hillside. Partway up, a section of the brickwork will be false. It will be nicely counterbalanced and operated with compressed air so that a power outage does not cripple its use. There are details, but what do you think? It will require more of Jeff's nighttime expertise to construct."

Talia's response was quick. "Excellent. I will get our engineer to ask for an expedited permit, saying we need the access to complete revegetation of the property."

Karen was equally fast. "Rupert will want it finished tomorrow."

"Yes, I expect so. I will distract him with questions about weapons inventory and transportation, and so forth. Where do you suppose their depot or depots are?"

"Let's go back to the house for dessert. Your women want to lie on you and hear that everything is going to be ok."

Chapter 21 - Rupert

My phone chimed in the dark. The bedside clock said 5 am. It was Rupert, announcing his arrival by car. He was outside.

One of us getting up roused the others, who dressed quickly. I sent Talia to welcome him, and started coffee in the kitchen. After both the stress and the stress relief of yesterday, bodies were moving slowly. I whispered that they had to act like an experienced and alert team.

Small groans were still in the air when Talia showed him in. Very average looking, with a dark skinned Middle Eastern look. Probably, this was deliberate. We shook hands.

"Jeremy, a pleasure to meet you. Your grandmother holds you in high regard."

"The same here, Rupert. Anna implied you were the solution to all our problems."

He chuckled, "Anna is a master of the devious, is she not? Working for her is a constant challenge but a source of great satisfaction as well."

Karen interrupted, "Will you join us for breakfast? We're getting an early start and need energy, I'm sure. Do you have an agenda? Can you tell us more about your role in Anna's plans?"

As the rest of us consumed plates of eggs, ham and toast, Rupert filled us in. He had great physical presence, although the words sounded rehearsed. Perhaps this was a new type of mission.

"Anna's instructions were to assist you in preparing for a possible attack on this location. I am also responsible for validating your proposed arms inventory, and seeing that it is timely delivered. I am sure you have many questions. Some I may be able to answer, but some may intrude into areas that Anna has partitioned away from you. From me as well in some cases. She says, and I believe her, that ignorance is necessary, since the other side has drugs to compel any secrets you hold."

I sat there, my frustrations mounting once again. My grandmother freely withheld critical information! What if she or one of the few senior advisors were successfully kidnapped?

Karen squeezed my hand, knowing from the tension in my body what I was thinking. In other circumstances, she would use the power to calm me, but not this morning, when we knew nothing of Rupert's special powers. He undoubtedly had them, or would not be one of the senior warfare commanders.

While Rupert worked on his neglected breakfast, I reviewed work plans for the day and the informal meeting broke up.

"Rupert, perhaps we should go over the weapons plans and your delivery capability, since there may be lead times involved."

He nodded and asked, "I would like a tour of the property, if you don't mind. The pictures you sent are fine, but being here is different."

Karen nodded at Talia, so the two of us acted as tour guides. I noticed Karen walking away with Chelsea, probably doing a checkin with Anna.

The tour ended up at the high end of the lot, with oaks and scrub running farther up the hill, and a fine view of the Valley below.

"You have a nice spot of high ground here, Jeremy. Good military tactics, but we are unlikely to face a traditional infantry attack. Their plans for dominance involve a big push into new technology, according to our intelligence people."

Talia laughed. "But Rupert, surely the intelligence operatives have acquired the detailed plans by now?"

The three of us smiled at each other, remembering a notorious past failure to discover intelligence information in time to be useful.

I suggested, "Perhaps best to concentrate on getting this site prepared for conventional conflict while Anna and others deal with new threats?"

"Yes, absolutely. Let's sit on the patio and go over your storage assumptions and compare to mine."

Talia trailed behind me, providing a prod or two. Rupert noticed and said, "Anna tells me you two have something going?"

She was quick. "He is impossibly difficult. Doesn't understand how boyfriends are supposed to act. He thinks romance is discussing nanotechnology with me!"

Rupert was not convinced. "Jeremy, sounds like you have a special girlfriend."

"I was captured in the first five minutes. It's terrible taking orders from an older woman!"

Karen was smiling as we approached. "That doesn't sound like technical assistance to me. What about fresh coffee and a roll?"

Talia sat in my lap. "We shouldn't fool around in front of you, Rupert. It's just a little stress relief in this tense situation."

"I understand. When I am not on duty, my partner and I share a hideaway near Morro Rock with a view of the ocean."

Talia asked to record our conversation on her phone but Rupert said, "I'm afraid not. What we are discussing is very sensitive, and it would be a problem if the phone was stolen or captured. Let's have this session and decide later if notes are necessary."

As we talked, the extent of Anna's planning was revealed. One of the families with members having the telepathic power owned and farmed a ranch in the Panoche Valley in San Benito County to our south. Over a period of time, caverns had been hollowed out of the ranch hillsides and filled with a military inventory. Ranch movements of hay frequently concealed shipments of arms and other combat equipment. So far, no use had been made of any of it. I thought to myself that Anna's sharp mind treated the activities of her extended family like a chess game, always thinking several moves ahead.

"In addition to the flatbeds for hay, the ranch has a number of inconspicuous vans which will be suitable for movements to you. The vans are never out in the open during daylight and they are not licensed, although when they move at night, they have counterfeit plates."

By lunchtime, it had been decided to initially store weapons and ammunition for a military platoon. Since military vehicles would be quickly identified by satellite photo, several different kinds of vans would be acquired, of a size that could use the new camouflaged opening in the hillside.

"Karen needs a commercial identity to account for the vans. I'm sure you and she will be creative?"

During a working lunch, I looked over at Karen and said, "You are suddenly in the nursery business, Mom. I've always known of your love for plants."

She stared back at me. "Young one, when I was your age, I worked in a nursery for school money. Perhaps it could be a real nursery business?"

Rupert smiled, "Authenticity would help. Don't forget, the clan behind the desert attack is nursing their wounds and thinking of retribution."

Talia, my smart lover, asked, "Rupert, do you have any way of knowing when or if they discover this location and our identity?"

"Good question. I asked Anna that yesterday and she said she was working on it and would advise... If you don't mind, I'll have dinner with you and catch an early sleep. Then slip away after midnight."

We spent the afternoon with him detailing the equipment lists and soliciting advice on storage arrangements in the underground vault. He brought us to a hard stop with a comment that any platoon staying there would need sanitary facilities.

"Yes, of course. Can't have them wandering around looking for a bush or coming in the back door of the house."

Discussing requirements, it didn't take long to realize a dormitory was needed, with bunks and communal bathing facilities. Indeed, some minimum food preparation support was needed as well.r"


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